Useful links
HSA | The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) is the principal Competent Authority responsible for drafting legislation and monitoring enforcement of hazardous materials regulations in Ireland |
DGSAAI | The DGSA Association of Ireland is a voluntary representative association of DGSAs in Ireland |
HSE | The equivalent authority in the UK is the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). This web page provides access to general information on the classification and labelling requirements as presented by the UK authorities |
Eur-Lex | The Eur-Lex website provides access to all relevant EU directives published in the Official Journal |
ECHA | The European Chemicals Agency is a new agency established to facilitate the implementation of the REACH regulation in Europe |
UNECE | This UN site provides access to the text of UN Model Dangerous Goods Regulations, the European road (ADR) transport regulations and the Globally Harmonised System (GHS) |
CILT The Chartered Institute for Logistics and Transport – to register for DGSA examinations